Two days after his successor was named at the University ofMassachusetts at Lowell, Dennis Scannell won a 7-0 vote from theLowell School Committee to take over the fortunes of the high schoolfootball team.
Scannell became available for the post when he resigned atUMass-Lowell when the coaching position there was elevated tofull-time status. The job went to Columbia University defensivecoordinator Tom Radulski. In seven years at UMass-Lowell, Scannellcompiled a 45-19-1 record. He replaces Mark Beati at Lowell High andwas given a three-year contract at a salary of between $6,600 and$7,392.
Scannell becomes just the fourth coach in Lowell history,following Ray Riddick, Walter Nelson and Beati. He played highschool football at Keith Academy before joining the Villanova team.Area athletes get Hockey East honors
Post-season Hockey East honors are beginning to pour in forNorthWest-area athletes.
UMass-Lowell junior center Shane Henry has been named winner ofthe Len Ceglarski Sportsmanship Award, named in honor of the formerBoston College coach who compiled the most wins in Division 1 historyin careers at Clarkson and BC. The award is voted on by coaches,on-ice officials and sports information directors.
Henry, also named to the All Hockey East second team, was theleague's fifth highest scorer with 21 goals and 32 assists. In 35games, he was penalized just four times for eight minutes.
Boston University co-captain David Sacco of Medford earned aspot on the All Hockey East first team for the second straight yearon the strength of his 23 goals and 32 assists. Eight of his goalsduring the regular season were game-winners, tops in the country.
UMass-Lowell's Mike Murray (19-31-50) was named to the secondteam, and Merrimack's Mark Goble (12-15-27) and Maine's Dave MacIsaac(4-27-31) of Arlington were named to the all-rookie team.Bentley's Lawson is coach of the year
Bentley College men's basketball coach Jay Lawson of Lexington,in just his second year at the helm, has been named Northeast-10Conference coach of the year.
Lawson led Bentley to the Northeast-10 regular seasonchampionship and an at-large berth in the NCAA Division 2 New EnglandRegionals, where it lost to Franklin Pierce. Bentley finished theseason at 24-7 and ranked 14th nationally.
In two years under Lawson, Bentley has won 40 of 57 games. Hewas a Bentley assistant for six years under Frank Sullivan and leftbriefly last summer to take a similar role at Fairfield. WhenSullivan resigned to accept the coaching position at Harvard, Lawsonreturned.Here and there . . .
University of Texas sophomore Sheilah McCarthy of Winchester wontwo medals recently in the Southwest Conference swimmingchampionships. She grabbed the silver in the 200-meter backstroke(1:58.52) and took bronze in the 100-meter backstroke (55.70). Hertimes were personal bests and qualified her for the NCAAchampionships this weekend in Minneapolis . . . Add the name of St.Anselm junior Kristin Sullivan of Belmont to the 1,000-point club.Sullivan led St. Anselm in scoring with 467 points (16.1 per gameaverage) to raise her career total to 1,067. She is St. Anselm'ssixth-leading all-time scorer and was the school's lonerepresentative on the All-Northeast-10 team . . . Tom Menicci(12-16-28) of Westford, Steve Ervin (5-14-19) of Billerica, KevinDaley (0-6-6) of Chelmsford and Doug Shattuck (1-3-4) of Billericawere members of the St. Anselm hockey team this winter . . . TheAmerican Lung Association is sponsoring a 100-hole golf marathon May10 at Colonial Country Club in Lynnfield. Call David Ales at (617)272-2866 for information . . . Members of the Reading High soccerteam recently played host to a basketball tournament for more than 20Special Olympics teams . . . Dan Rosa, former baseball coach atLexington, has been named coach at Daniel Webster College in Nashua .. . . Boston University freshman Jay Pandolfo of Burlington had 12goals and 21 assists in 33 games for the Terriers' hockey team duringthe regular season. He scored the game-winner in the title gameagainst Wisconsin in the Badger Classic and had a hat trick againstMerrimack. His plus-minus ratio was plus 21 . . .