LEXINGTON -- For years, Jack Dempsey worked with establishedtrack stars, first at Medford, where he coached four boys and thegirls teams to state championships, then at the Irish American TrackClub, where his string of successes continued.
Now he's focusing his sights on a younger crowd.
Dempsey has created the Lexington Lightning Youth Track Club forboys and girls aged 7-14, and he offers them a full three-seasonschedule of outdoor and indoor track and cross-country training. Thefirst practice is slated for Wednesday at Minuteman Tech, andDempsey expects a pretty impressive response.
'I've already had more than 50 boys and girls actuallyregister,' he said, 'and have received another 100 or so inquiries.I knew the idea would be well-received, but this is more than Iexpected.'
While some youth track clubs stress extensive training andpractices daily, even through the summer, Dempsey plans a differentapproach.
'My philosophy for this club can be summed up in one word,' hesaid, 'fun. I want to instruct, coach and entertain the kids. Therewill be absolutely no pressure put on any member to perform.Practice will be just one day a week for one hour and even that's notmandatory. If a kid has a Little League game or some other conflict,I undertand.
'Besides, at this age, children's bodies and minds are notreally ready for serious training. I've seen so many budding starsburn out at such a young age. It's a shame. This should be a funexperience with the emphasis on competing, not winning.'
Dempsey has lined up a coaching staff that includes Chuck Martinof Medford, coach at Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, and FredRagnelli, George Harris and Bob Atchinson, all of whom have beenassociated with Lexington youth sports programs in the past. Thereis a $60 per year registration fee.
The original plan called for practice sessions to be held on theLexington High track and in the fieldhouse, but the great number ofrecreational walkers and joggers already using those facilitiesforced the switch to Minuteman Tech.
Dempsey, 43, has the credentials to tackle the project, havingbeen involved with track since his teen-age years.
He was an oustanding high school and college runner at MaldenCatholic and Boston State Teachers in the '60s and later managed DaveMcGillvray's Running Center in Medford. While there, he beganvideotaping major road races such as the Boston Marathon and 10KBonne Belle.
In 1981 and 1982, he coached the Medford boys and girls indoorstrack teams and from 1980 to 1987 was head coach of Medford's IrishAmerican Track Club, which grew from 50 to 300 members during histenure. For the past several years, he has put most of his time intohis sports video business, but the track fire still burned.
'I've always been involved in track one way or the other,' hesaid, 'and I have two young children of my own. There just wasn'tany track programs around for them and others their age. Somethinglike this is long overdue and from the response I've gotten, will bea success.'
Dempsey has set up the season in three stages -- outdoors fromApril to July, cross-country in September and October and indoorsJanuary and February. He's already lined up a series of local andregional meets for his team members to compete in and hopes to beable to have his club host a meet or two during the summer. The clubis registered with The Athletic Congress.
Lexington High girls track coach Art Dulong gives the club hisendorsement.
'I'm really glad it's been formed,' he said. Dempey has 'put alot of work and time into it. It's great to have kids at that ageinvolved in competitive opportunities. It's a good thing to do, aslong as it's kept low-key.'
And will Lexington be an eventual beneficiary of the programover the long haul?
'We won't know about that for many years to come, but hopefullysome of the kids introduced to the sport now will enjoy it enough towant to compete for the high school team when their time comes,'Dulong said. 'Right now all they should be thinking about is havingfun.'
Those interested in learning more about the club may contactDempsey at (617) 863-2815.