Congratulations to the Medford Irish-American softball team,which recently placed third in the National Amateur SoftballAssociation Class D Slo-Pitch Tournament in Memphis. More than 80teams from 35 states competed.
Medford won its first five games against teams from Indiana,Tennessee, St. Louis, Michigan and Alabama, before dropping twostraight extra inning games, first to eventual champion Dedham,Mass., 11-10, and then to runner-up St. Louis, 10-9. Medford hadbeaten Dedham twice in the New England Regionals last month inLewiston, Maine.
Four Medford players were named to the All-Tournament first team-- David Gill, Mike Nichols, Eddie Moyer and Pat Quinn. Bob Howe andPaul Doyle were named to the second team. The team was managed byJay Bryan.Holiday road race aids Lazarus House
If you're looking for a way to work up a Thanksgiving Dayappetite and at the same time help a most worthy cause, then thefifth annual Feaster Five road race in Andover should be right upyour alley. The race begins (8:30 a.m.) and ends at BernardinInsurance on Main Street and is staged by the Merrimack ValleyStriders.
Proceeds benefit the Lazarus House Ministries, which providesshelter nightly to 40 homeless people in the Greater Lawrence area.Lazarus House Ministries also provides a hot meal daily at itsdrop-in center and sponsors a medical/dental clinic for those withoutinsurance. Money is raised in the road race from a per-mile pledgeobtained by participants.
For further information, call race directors Bill Pennington at(508) 475-6347 or John Burke at (508) 372-6160.Dracut to induct 5 into Hall of Fame
The Dracut High Athletic Hall of Fame will be swelled by fiveNov. 14 when Nicholas Sperounis, Phil Greene, Jay Enis, Linda(Pultar) Dickinson and Dawn Ducharme are inducted at ceremonies atWindsor Mills Restaurant.
Sperounis, who graduated in 1937, was a three-sport star atDracut and played tackle on its 1936 championship football team. Inthat year, Dracut played and beat two teams on the same afternoon.Greene, class of '62, was Dracut's first track captain in 1961 andalso played football. Enis (1976) was a two-year Merrimack Valleytrack star and played football four years.
Dickinson (1973) was Dracut's first female track star and alsolettered in basketball and field hockey. Ducharme (1986) excelled ingymnastics and currently is gymnastics coach at Billerica.
Tickets for the induction may be purchased from Bob Rudolph inDracut's athletic office, from Mike Blatus in the town hallassessor's office, Dick Dube (508) 454-4428 or Frank Sandelli (508)453-7973.UMass-Lowell tops N.E. tennis tourney
Players from Reading, Burlington and Billerica helped theUniversity of Massachusetts at Lowell women's tennis team to firstand second doubles victories in the New England Collegiate ConferenceChampionships recently at Southern Connecticut State University.
The wins were instrumental in UMass-Lowell winning its fourthstraight team title.
Laura Marshall and Derilyn Kenney, both of Reading, won firstdoubles and did not lose a match or set during the championships.For the season, Marshall and Kenney had an 8-6 record.
Prin Poomhirun of Burlington and Charlene Amato of Billericateamed to win second doubles and they, too, did not lose a match orset during title play. Poomhirun and Amato were 9-3 during theregular season.Here and there . . .
Lauren DiStefano of Andover has been appointed assistant directorof athletics operations at Harvard. DiStefano, who graduated lastyear with an honors degree in psychology, was a member of the Harvardcrew and track teams and worked as a student assistant in the sportsinformation office for four years . . . John Micavich of Westford isthe top golfer at Bentley. After 12 rounds, he was averaging 80 witha best of 73. Steve Ranaghan of Arlington is also a member of theteamThe Northeast-10 Conference has named budding Merrimackvolleyball star Kayleen McNulty of Billerica freshman of the week forthe third straight time. McNulty leads Merrimack in kills, attackpercentage and blocks . . . Senior goalie Sue Nagy of Acton is atri-captain of the Springfield soccer team. She shares the honorwith Angel Schofield of Holbrook and Jennifer Elbie of Chester, N.J.. . . Nominations are now being accepted for the Winchester HighSchool Hall of Fame. Nominations must be made in writing byresidents or former residents, stating specific facts and figures ofthe nominee's athletic accomplishments and each nomination must besigned by five people. A nominee must have graduated from highschool at least 10 years ago. Send nominations to Sam Rotondi, 63Shore Road, Suite 63, Winchester 01890. Future inductees will beannounced in December . . . Winchester's George Murphy was therecent recipient of the Gridiron Club of Greater Boston's WilliamStewart Jr. Award for distinguished service and dedication to thegame of football and service to the sport's youth . . . James Feeley(volleyball) and Glenn Christofori (girls soccer) were recentlyappointed varsity coaches at Arlington.