Globe Santa
Distinguishing itself yet again as an outstanding serviceorganization, the Medford Kiwanis Club this year raised $3,200 forGlobe Santa, marking its 10th annual contribution to the Christmasfund drive.
'This was probably the toughest year we've had to raise money,'said Vincent Piro, past president and current member of the KiwanisClub. 'But this is one of the best service clubs in the country, andour members always come through.'
The members began donating to Globe Santa in 1991 with a $500contribution, and their generosity has increased each holiday season.Last year, the organization contributed $3,000.
'Our effort has grown, just as we know that the needs of GlobeSanta have grown,' said Piro, a former state representative fromSomerville.
Every year, the Medford Kiwanis organizes fund-raising events thatbenefit the city, and acts as a sponsor and supporter to local ballteams, cheerleaders, and community organizations.
One of the chapter's largest events is a sports night featuring 10amateur boxing matches. The fight night is held annually on the thirdWednesday in April at An tho ny's in Malden and includes cocktailsand dinner.
Last April, the event drew more than 450 people and raised morethan $15,000, Piro said.
'That night has developed into one of the most successful fund-raisers sponsored and run by any service organization,' Piro said.'And we're proud of it.'
The Medford Kiwanis Club members, who number between 35 and 40 menand women, must also be proud of their continuing support of GlobeSanta, because the annual donation comes not from a fund-raisingevent, but from their pockets.
Club members attending their Monday night meetings see acollection box with a sign reading, 'Put a smile on the face of achild.'
They can rest assured that their efforts will help hundreds ofchildren smile this Christmas.
Generous contributions from individuals and organizations like theKiwanis Club have helped Globe Santa raise more than $1 million for14 straight years. Last year, more than $1.4 million was donated andtoys were delivered to 50,553 children in 21,690 families throughoutEastern Massachusetts.
Every dollar donated is used to buy toys, while the GlobeFoundation pays all administrative costs associated with thecampaign.
SIDEBAR: Globe Santa contributions The 2,544 donations to TheGlobe Santa Fund that have been published as of Dec. 9 in The BostonGlobe total $235,346.63.
Through the Globe Santa Web site,, donors candetermine the date their contribution was published.