Surrounded by colleges and prep schools, parochial academies andpublic high schools, Boston is a city that takes commencement moreseriously than most. Donning a cap and gown is as much a traditionhere as watching the swan boats in the Public Garden.
This June, we salute not oft-mentioned colleges, like Harvard andMIT, but the high schools, which often do their good work withoutmuch recognition. Year after year, they produce graduates who turnfrom skinny kids into captains of industry, from class clowns tolate-night comics, from student-council presidents to presidentialcandidates. To find the most prominent living graduates of areapublic or parochial schools in the past few decades, we cast a widenet. We wrote to high school principals, quizzed our colleagues, andrifled our research files.
We've put together a selection of 100 distinguished areagraduates, listed them in alphabetical order, and published theirphotos and blurbs exactly as they appeared in their yearbooks. Sincewe came across so many familiar names, we thought we'd add a few moreat the back of this magazine. As the next generation of high schoolgraduates commences, we hope you'll enjoy reading about what happenedto some of those who went before.JOSEPH M. ABBOUDDesignerRoslindale High School, 1968Key Club 2; football 3; track 3; guidance staff 2; athleticrepresentative 1.AMY LYNN BAXTERPenthouse Pet of the Month, June 1990Plymouth North High School, 1985'Flakeyppuff'Quote: If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it'syours. If it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it!Memories: NYC Summer of '82, Florida w/Glen.Pet Peeve: K.I., girls who think they are bad.Most Embarrassing Moment: When Renee pulled my mini up to my neck inthe courtyard.Prizes: My mom and Glen.Ambition: To become a successful model.Activities: Modeling, hunting.Happiest When: Glen is home.Wanted to but Never Did: Run over K.I., homework.Favorite Indulgence: SKOAR bars, Reeses, Glen.ORSON BEAN(Dallas Frederic Burrows)ActorCambridge Rindge and Latin School, 1946'Mandroop'Quote: Mischief, mischief in the air. Where is Dallas? Of coursehe's there.Dramatic Club '43, '44, '45, '46; Debating Club '43, '44; VaudevilleShow Talent Night '45.Ambition: Show business.ERIC M. BOGOSIANActor and PlaywrightWoburn High School, 1971Quote: I'll walk slowly to the sunset, never shying my eyes.Cross country 3; senior play 1; junior prom committee 2; studentcouncil 1, 2; Sentorian.CLARK BOOTHChannel 5 ReporterWeymouth High School, 1956Quote: Weymouth looked wonderful on that field yesterday. Theydefeated Quincy 29 to 20.Norwell High 1, 2; basketball 1; soccer 1, 2; baseball 1, 2, 3;intra-mural basketball 1, 2, co-captain 2; sophomore party 2;farewell assembly 3; Phantom Frolic 4; Science Club 1; French Club 2.PATRICIA E. BRADLEYProfessional GolferWestford High School, 1969WILLIAM J. BRATTONNew York City Commissioner of PoliceBoston Technical High School, 1965Last school: Grover ClevelandCollege: Northeastern UniversityAmbition: TeacherActivities: Prom committee, student council, yearbook committeeHobby: SportsREV. JOHN EDWARD BROOKSPresident, Holy Cross CollegeBoston Latin School, 1942'Brooksie'Entered grade 7 from Randall Morris School in 1935. Hockey 4,Debating Club 3, Senior History Club 3, Modern Prize (grade 7), 2ndLt. 9th Co. 1st Reg.WILLIAM M. BULGERState Senate PresidentBoston College High School, 1952Smilin' Bill Bulger comes from the South . . . South Boston that is.Always manages to come out with a quip that never fails to bring alaugh from the class and teacher alike. Likes football and baseball.Sodality 1, 2, 3.PETER BYNOEFormer Owner, NBA's Denver NuggetsBoston Latin School, 1968Quote: Imagination is the key to victory.Entered grade 7 from the William Lloyd Garrison School. Football 1,2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; Victory Club 3, 4; Key Club 3, 4; N.H.S.4; Harvard Summer School 3; Photography Club 3; Class Day Committee4.JAMES CALHOUNHead Basketball Coach, University of ConnecticutBraintree High School, 1960'Jim'Nice looking. Pet peeve: girls!? Football 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3,4; baseball 2, 3: prom 3; reception 4; track 4.TERRI LYNN CARRINGTONJazz PercussionistMedford High School, 1982WALTER C. CARRINGTONUS Ambassador to NigeriaEverett High School, 1948Vice president of class 2, 3, 4; homeroom president 2, 3; Lyceum 2,3, 4; Boston College debate 2, 3, 4; senior play 4; Camera Club 4;track 4; yearbook staff 3, 4. Our glib-tongued orator is a naturalbefore the bar of justice. As a lawyer, 'Wally' is sure to be tops.GARY CHERONELead Singer, ExtremeMalden High School, 1979MICHAEL C. CHIKLISStar of The CommishAndover High School, 1981DONALD CHIOFARODeveloper of International PlaceBelmont High School, 1963'Shifty'Mr. Football . . . epitome of masculinity . . . all scholasticsuccess . . . Junior Lion; football (co-capt.); hockey; baseball;Ski Club.MARJORIE ANN CLAPPROOD(Marjorie Ann O'Neill)Radio and Television PersonalityBrookline High School, 1967House coun. 3, 4; con. choir 2, 3, 4; Major 3, 4.ROBERT COLES(Martin Robert Cohen)Child Psychiatrist, Author, TeacherBoston Latin School, 1946Quote: You stand in your own light.Entered grade 7 from Roger Wolcott School in 1940. Literary Club 2,3; class president 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Music Appreciation Club 4;Debating Club 2, 3, 4; Art Club 3, 4; Horticultural Club 3; ClassicalPrize 1; Modern Prize 2; Approbation Prize 2, 3; 2nd Lt. 4th Co. 1stReg.ELIAS J. COREY JR.Winner, 1990 Nobel Prize in ChemistryLawrence High School, 1945'Eli' is one of the smartest students of our class, and a star memberof the Math Club for the last two years. He is well known for hischemical experiments, and could tell how NOT to liquify carbonmonoxide.Ambition: travelHobby: readingJAMES D. CRAIGGoalie, 1980 Olympic Hockey TeamOliver Ames High School, North Easton, 1975'Craigie' 'Jimboy'What's the problem?. . . Cavemouth . . . Picking number out ofclouds . . . Stirfry . . . AABA, Roothogs, Winnie Space monkey.Student Council 1; baseball 1, 2; cross country 4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4;golf 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; usher 3; driver ed. 3.Ambition: To be half the man my father is and to go to college.BILL CURLEYCollege Basketball Star, Featured in Sports IllustratedDuxbury High School, 1990JOHN ANTHONY CURRYPresident, Northeastern UniversityLynn English High School, 1951'Bull' Curry has been manager for Dave Barry's baseball club for thepast two years. He plans to further his education at Northeastern.VIRGINIA ELIZABETH DAVISActressWareham High School, 1973Quote: Always leave them laughing when you say good-bye.'Geena' says, 'Quid Faciam?'. . . secretly desires to be a W.H.S.senior . . . favorite song is 'When the Saints Come Marching In' . .. likes home, 99, Big Macs, good friends, everybody, people over 6ft., memories, life and fish (in the ocean) . . . dislikeshomesickness, being cold and fish (on the plate) . . . pet peeve isalways saying the wrong thing . . . fondly remembers just being homein Wareham . . . most embarassing moment was when her guinea pig bitMr. Josefek in class . . . future plans are to go to the big city andbecome a famous movie star.Junior Honor Society 1, 2; newspaper 1; Code Club 3; Drama Club 1, 2,3; Girls Choir 1, 2; Madrigal Choir 2, 3; student council 3; nationalhonor society 3, 4.KATHARINE V. DUKAKIS(Katharine V. Dickson)Author of Now You Know and the Former First Lady of MassachusettsBrookline High School, 1954'Kitty'Girls' League, homeroom rep., exec. board 1, 2; adv. 3, 4; vice pres.3, pres. 4; marshall 3, 4; Murivan App. 3. business staff 4; ring andpin comm. 2, 3; old English 'B' 3.MICHAEL STANLEY DUKAKISFormer Governor and 1988 Democratic Presidential CandidateBrookline High School, 1951Pres. Alpha Pi 4; Shailer House, vice president 1, 2, 3; studentcouncil 4, pres. 4; homeroom chairman 1, 2; marshal 2, 3; Court ofJustice 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1; cross country, track 2, 3, 4;basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; tennis 2, 3, 4 (capt. 4).OLYMPIA DUKAKISActressArlington High School, 1949ROSALIND ELIASMezzo-Soprano, Metropolitan OperaLowell High School, 1947MADELINE K. ENGLISHInducted into Women's Baseball Hall of Fame. Story told in A Leagueof Their Own.Everett High School, 1943Cheerleader; Chorus 4. Maddy is the girl who wants to teach gym.With her as our teacher, we would all strive to win.SUSAN RACHEL ESTRICH1988 Presidential Campaign Manager for Michael DukakisMarblehead High School, 1970Sue can usually be found cramming for a test or gigglinghysterically. Yet she still manages to devote much time and energyas regional B.B.G. president. An honor student and skillful twirler,her crazy goal is to carve her name in a block of ice on a warmsummer afternoon. That's an Estrich!MICHAEL ANTHONY ERUZIONESports CommentatorWinthrop Senior High School, 1972PATRICK EWINGBasketball Player, New York KnicksCambridge Rindge and Latin School, 1981'Pat'Basketball, Black Student Union . . . CollegeWILLIAM A. FINNPlaywrightNatick High School, 1970Failure is too much and success too little . . . toilet paper . . .Certain senior sister . . . LeMeilleur . . . I'm cold and very,very tired . . . Le roi se meurt . . . remember me in light . . . orin Dark Shadows.Student council, executive board, junior class vice president, SpeechClub, Drama Club, Sassamon, Suburban Free Press, Honor Society, vicesquad.CHARLES F. FLAHERTYSpeaker of the Massachusetts House of RepresentativesBoston College High School, 1956Chuck, that handsome guy from Cambridge, is tops in basketball, bothin speed and height . . . a hustler for marks . . . physical ed. atHoly Cross next.Football 4; basketball 3, 4; baseball 4.ERIC JOSEPH FLAIMOlympic Speed SkaterSilver Lake Regional High School, Kingston, 1983SPEED SKATING Terri . . . Buba . . . Chuckles . . .Battlin-n-Breakin to DMC Summer 84 . . . parties . . . Do you feelOK? . . . Rockatiz dedication is the key . . . I luv ya Mom-n-Dad!DOUGLAS FLUTIEQuarterback, Canadian Football LeagueNatick High School, 1981B'tree FG7878 . . . 6 Walp '79 Nor '78 I HATE NORWOOD . . . C.Lambsrg, Ice, Omar, Duke, Basic D, Bus Rides, Cap FB & BB no. 22, 3cheerers -- locker Decor. Thanks, Dicky 14 Garden, Bickfords.ByeBye Coolidge: Thanks To Mom & Dad Laurence 6/12/79 LAURIE 4 EVERROBERT FOLEYCommandant of Cadets, West PointBelmont High School, 1959``Stretch'Wonder of the Wennermen . . . just terrific . . . a future leader inengineering . . . basketball (capt.), track, Bookworm's Club.NANCY GLASSAnchor, American JournalNewton South High School, 1973Quote: In my book, there aren't enough words to describe NewtonSouth.THOMAS M. GLAVINEPitcher, Atlanta BravesBillerica High School, 1984'Silk'Hockey 1, 2, 3, Capt. 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. The GARDEN '83. BballState CHAMPS '83. Bball down the Cape. Practice after Lowell loss.S'up Wick. Bruins plus Sox with Wick plus Crandall. Wick, where'smy seat? Look at the harbor rise! Scott, what happened to yourhead? Talk to me. Field trips to the Hill. WAMESIT. Last day '82.Good times with Cris! Hawgs jr. prom. Thanx Mark! Good luck dudes.Thanx Mom and Dad!REV. PETER JOHN GOMESChaplain, Harvard UniversityPlymouth North High School, 1961'Pennies from Heaven''Gentlemen, pleeese!' . . . likes money and English . . . dislikeshigh interest rates and returning overdue books . . . seen with RonnyB. and Ronny F. . . . secret desire to understand Geometry . . .Oh! three years of gym. . . . S.A.S. 1, 2, 3; class president 2, 3;general chairman sophomore hop; Pilgrim staff 3; fund collector 1;National Honor Society 2, 3.MICHAEL GORDONBass Player, PhishLincoln-Sudbury High School, 1983Juliana HatfieldLead Singer, Juliana Hatfield ThreeDuxbury High School, 1985DAVID MOSES HELPERNFounder, Joan and David ShoesBoston Latin School, 1934Quote: Shades of Copernicus -- a veritable Einstein.Entered junior year from Amos Lawrence School, 1930; Modern Prize1932; Literary Club 1932-33-34; captain, 15th Co., 2nd Regiment;Stamp Club 1930-31.NATHAN IRVING HENTOFFAuthor and ColumnistBoston Latin School, 1941Entered grade 7 from William Lloyd Garrison School in 1935. DebatingClub 2, 3, 4; Literary Club 2, 3; Senior History Club 4; picturecommittee 4; band 2, 3, 4, concert band 2, 3, 4; Boston PublicSchools Symphony Band 3, 4; Declamation Special Prize 3; FidelityPrize 3; 2nd Lieut. Band.KENNETH W. HILLPitcher, Montreal ExposLynn Classical High School, 1983Fav. Saying: 'please.'Pet Peeve: Second Per. English.Hobby: 16 oz. wrist curls, Bud Club, playing sports.Fondest Memory: Winning 2 state Babe Ruth titles.Liked Best About LCH: Double lunch.Fav. Pastime: Frey Park partying.Activities: Baseball 1, 2, 3; basketball 1, 2, 3; soccer 1, 2, 3.GEN. JOSEPH P. HOAR, USMCCommander in Chief, US Central CommandBoston College High School, 1952Joe hails from Brighton . . . quick witted with an amiable smile . .. very popular . . . member of football squad for 3 years . . .reading occupies most of his leisure time . . . likes Physics . . .BC next.Sodality 1, 2; football 2, 3, 4.MATINA HORNER(Matina Souretis)Former President, Radcliffe CollegeGirls Latin School, Boston, 1957Quote: To know her is to love her.C.E.; Drama C.; Business Manager, Jabberwock; Sci. C.; S.T.A.C.;yearbook staff. Memory Gem: Going quadruple to the Junior Prom.ISRAEL HOROVITZ(Arthur Horovitz)PlaywrightWakefield High School, 1956Our 'Artie' loves humor . . . often says, 'How about that?' . . .favorites are pecan pie, government class, Leaders' Club, freshmanfootball, baseball . . . served on senior play publicity, classmotto, and dinner committees . . . suppressed desire: to be given amillion dollars . . . plans to become a lawyer . . . will rememberalways his classmates and teachers.NATALIE JACOBSON(Natalie Salatich)News Anchor, Channel 5Wellesley High School, 1961'Nat'Pert brunette . . . enjoys swimming . . . season ticket drive captain. . . rally committee . . . Glee Club . . . buzzin' dozen plus 3 . .. varsity basketball as a junior and senior . . . senior play . . .youth-in-government winner . . . sweet disposition.MICHAEL CHARLES JENSENReporter, NBCGloucester High School, 1952Characteristic Interest: Mary.Ambition: To teach algebra to the Aborigines.Class president 3, 4; lieutenant colonel 4; Junior Rotarian 4; Boys'State delegate 4; senior activities committee 4; Beacon staff 4;French Club 4; flicker committee 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4;student council 3, 4, treasurer 3; Stevens book reviewers 3, 4;Dramatics Club 3, 4; commander, winning prize squad 3; Haskell Drill3; individual drill 3; platoon sergeant 3; Latin Club 2; Sawyer Medal2; hon. mention, Jeremy Ingall's Poetry Contest 2; athleticassociation 1; vice-president 3; ROTC sports 2, 3, 4; track 2;football 1, 2; Officers' Club, president 4.CHRISTINE ARDELL JOHNSONPrincipal Dancer, Dance Theater of HarlemConcord-Carlisle Regional High School, 1981QUOTE: You must linger along a seemingly endless and blinded path todiscover the spot where everything opens up and allows you to enterfully; when this occurs, you have truly captured a moment of time andhave found the key to life.Love always K & C . . . GLKD-TY! . . . Always grateful to WS-Poetryin motion . . . Bobbsy Twins . . . Tag . . . Dance for one person:yourself -- Thank you so much JO . . . MJ, LJ & CJs -- need I saymore? . . . Thanks CC . . . 'It's got to be over before you cansay, `That's the best time I ever had.' ' A & S.PHILIP JOHNSTONExecutive Director, CAREWellesley High School, 1954GEN. FRANCIS X. KELLEYWas in Charge of Operation Desert Storm from the PentagonBoston English High School, 1943'Kell'Ambition: US Marine CorpsHobby: sportsHonor Roll 2, 3; Lawrence Prize, F & D, 2, 3; room councilor 3;Record 2, 3; cadet lieutenant 4.JOHN A. KELLEYMarathon RunnerArlington High School, 1927'Johnnie' is another fast fellow in Arlington High. This certainlyapplies to him as a runner. 'Johnnie' has determination and ambitionwhich stand him in good stead. Cross country (captain), track,student council, athletic association committee.DONALD E. KENTTelevision WeathermanNorth Quincy High School, 1935Manet staff '35; honor roll '35.NANCY KERRIGANOlympic Figure SkaterStoneham High School, 1987MITCHELL ELIOT KERTZMANChairman, PowersoftBoston Latin School, 1966QUOTE: In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man.Entered grade 7 from Alexander Hamilton School. National MeritSemi-Finalist; Letter of Merit, N.E.D.T.; Basketball, Manager 3, 4;Debating Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Varsity Debating Team 3, 4;Vice-President Greater Boston Debating League 4; Dramatics Club 3, 4;Golf Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; National Honor Society 3, 4;Register Business Staff 3; Register Literary Staff 2, 3, I SportsEditor 4; Science Club V, 1, 2, 3, 4; Treasurer 3, President 4;Volunteer Services 2, 3, 4; cafeteria Marshal V, 1, 2, Assistant HeadMarshal 2; Rifle Drill Team 3; M.I.T. Summer Program 2; Latin SchoolLanguage Laboratory Assistant 1, 2, 3; English-Latin Football ProgramStaff 3; Prize Reading Finalist 3.EDWARD JOSEPH KING JR.Former Governor of MassachusettsBoston College High School, 1943Ed has proven himself to be a fine athlete on the gridiron anddiamond for BC High . . . likes Latin and picks Sodality as hisfavorite extra-curricular activity . . . a Sodalist for four years .. . baseball is always in his thoughts . . . is now enrolled at BC.Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; football 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3.ROBERT KENNETH KRAFTOwner, New England PatriotsBrookline High School, 1959Pres. Sr. Class; V. Pres. Jr. Class; H.R. Chm. 1, 2; StudentCouncil 2, 4; Track 1, 2; Murivan Business Staff 3, 4; Chm. Jr.Prom; French Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4.LYNDON LAROUCHEFormer Presidential Candidate, Sentenced to Prison for Fraudand Tax EvasionLynn English High School, 1940JAMES LENOHost, The Tonight ShowAndover High School, 1968'Jay'Possible Future Career: Retired Millionaire.NORMAN BERNARD LEVENTHALPhilanthropist, Founder of the Beacon CompaniesBoston Latin School, 1933``Normie'Quote: Talk to him of Jacob's ladder, and he would ask the number ofsteps.Entered from Christopher Gibson School, 1929; Approbation Prize1929-30; 1st Lieutenant, 3rd Company, 3rd Regiment; Track1930-31-32-33; Baseball 1931-32; Football 1931-32.WILLIAM MARTINNovelistCatholic Memorial High School, West Roxbury, 1968NICHOLAS MAVROULESFormer US Representative, Sentenced to Prison for CorruptionPeabody Memorial High School, 1947Quote: Happy am I, from care I'm free; Why aren't they all contentedlike me.MARY MCGRORYColumnist, Washington PostGirls Latin School, Boston, 1935Quote: Hail! Independence, Hail!Mary's stimulating wit and keen sense of humor make her popular withall. As business manager of The Jab, as its famous columnist, 'ImaSeenya,' and as just Mary, her cleverness adds much to school life.With all her capabilities she is still very human: witness herconsistent struggle with 'Math.' Good luck, Mary.MICHAEL MILBURYHead Hockey Coach, Boston CollegeWalpole High School, 1970KAREN L. MILLERFirst Black Female Firefighter in BostonSnowden International School, Boston, 1973'Karie'Libra . . . 'Hey Punk'Ambition: To be a doctor.MERTON HOWARD MILLERWinner, Nobel Prize in Economic ScienceBoston Latin School, 1940'Mert'Entered grade 7 from Robert Treat Paine School in 1934. Seniorhistory club 4, Register business staff 4, literary staff 4, trackteam 2, Classical Prize 3, Approbation Prize 2, 2nd Lieut. 11th Co.2nd Reg.JOSEPH MICHAEL MORGANFormer Manager, Boston Red SoxWalpole High School, 1949Joe . . . second only to Boudreau . . . Riley's answer man . . .shuns women . . . snappy puckster . . . 'Hi kid!' . . . College.Hockey 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; letterman 1, 2, 3, 4; athleticcouncil (chairman) 4; yearbook benefit show; yearbook staff.ROBERT ALLEN MORSEActorNewton North High School, 1950'Mousie'Legitimate stage work; homeroom manager 3; senior class treasurer;spring musical 2; basketball manager 2, 3; legislature 2; Glee Club2, 3.RAYMOND NASHERDeveloped First Indoor MallBoston Latin School, 1939Quote: With words we govern men. -- Anon.Entered grade 9 from Newton High School, New York, in 1936.Classical Club 3, 4; president 4; Literary Club 1, 2, 4; DramaticClub 2, 3; Debating Club 1; circulation staff 2; class council;mid-winter class committee; football dance committee;Washington-Lincoln Orator 4; 2nd Lieut. 10th Co. 1st Reg.MAJ. GEN. RICHARD IRVING NEAL, USMCMarine Spokesman During the Gulf WarHull High School, 1960'Butch'Quote: Good things come in small packages.Student council 9, 10, 11, president 12; National Honor Society 11,12; Dramatic Club 12; Art Club 11; talent show 9, 10; football 9, 10;junior prom committee; plans to be an engineer.LEONARD S. NIMOYActorBoston English High School, 1948'Lenny'Discussion and Dramatic clubs; Switchboard 2, 3, 4; School Radio Play2, 3; tenth grade school spelling champion.CONAN O'BRIENHost, Late Night with Conan O'BrienBrookline High School, 1981Quote: If it weren't for the honor, I'd just as soon walk. -- A.LincolnMASAKO OWADAPrincess of JapanBelmont High School, 1981MARCIA LEE CARSEY(Marcia Lee Peterson)Executive Producer, Roseanne and The Cosby ShowWeymouth High School, 1962'Marce'Pert and peppy . . . Worthy adviser of Wessagusset Rainbow . . .Chapter sweetheart of DeMolay. Band 10, 11, 12; high honors 10, 11;chorus 12; junior party; creative writing 11; reflector 11, 12; LatinCertificate 10; homeroom manager 12.PAULA POUNDSTONEComedianLincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, 1977CHARLIE PRECOURTSpace Shuttle AstronautHudson High School, 1973National Honor Soc. 3, 4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; soccer 3, 4; baseball 1,2, 3, 4; math league 3, 4; science quiz team 3; lab assistant 4;Hudson Youth Hockey Assoc. Referee.ALAN L. RACHINSActor, LA LawBrookline High School, 1960Homeroom chairman 1, 2; school council 3, vice president 4; marshal2, 3; treas. N.E.S.G.A.; varsity swimming 3, (capt.) 4; rep. toMass. School Council Assoc. 3.SUMNER MURRAY REDSTONE(Sumner Murray Rothstein)Chairman, Parent Company of Viacom-ParamountBoston Latin School, 1940Orchestra 3, 4; Literary Staff Register 4; yearbook committee 4;Debating Club 1, 2, 3, 4; president 4; delegate, New England PressConference; American Legion Orator 4; Classical Prize (grade 8) 1, 2,3; Approbation Prize 2, 3; Debating Medal 2; 2nd Lieut. 6th Co. 2ndReg.EUGENE E. RICHARDSPhotographerNorth Quincy High School, 1962'Eddie'North Star 2, activities ed. 3; soccer 3; Manet 3.ASHLEY RICHARDSON-MONTANAModelLincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, 1982JEFFREY F. SAGANSKYPresident, CBSWellesley High School, 1970BEVERLY ST. MARIEFolksingerWakefield High School, 1958'Buffy'The exciting football games and class dances appeal to 'Bev' . . .Often does she say 'Let's snow the troops' . . . likes chop suey . .. favorite possession is her guitar . . . enjoys English IV andFrench III classes . . . Glee Club, Pep Club, Oracle EditorialStaff, Future Teachers Association, and Lookout are her chiefactivities . . . plans to be an airline stewardess.STEVE SAMPSONDesigned Black Bag for Smart FoodsMinuteman Regional Vocational Technical School, Lexington, 1979PackagingSpic, VW, Cadillac, New Hampshire, The Judge, Packaging, Skunk, Fred,BEER.MARK SHIELDSColumnist and Political AnalystWeymouth High School, 1955Usually Seen: Making excusesSouth Junior High 1; Student Council 1; Honors 1, 3; basketball 1, 3,4; class motto chairman 3; Junior Party 3; delegate to Boys' State 3;Latin Certificate of Superior Merit 3; Senior Nominating 4; JuniorUsher 3; Class Banquet 4.CARROLL SPINNEYPlays Big Bird on Sesame StreetActon-Boxborough High School, 1951LESLEY STAHLReporter, 60 MinutesSwampscott High School, 1959During her spare time, Les is kept busy with her sorority work, butshe does manage to find time for skiing. Very active in schoolaffairs, she will do Swampscott justice next year at college.Swampscotta 1, 2, 3, 4; Sea Gull 4; spirit committee 3, 4; talentshow 2, 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; cheerleading 1, 4; Russian club 4.IRA STEPANIANChairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of BostonSomerville High School, 1954Pet Peeve: Unfriendly people.Sophomore executive committee 1; class president 2; Boys' Glee Club1; basketball 1, 2, 3 co-captain; student council 1, 2; Class DayCommittee 3; Boys' State 2; National Honor Society 2, 3 (president).Beneath the banner of Honor and Progress he has loyally served.KEVIN MICHAEL STEVENSLeft Wing, Pittsburgh PenguinsSilver Lake Regional High School, Kingston, 1983Clam . . . Pemb. . . . SUZY, Wally, Gill, Keano, Mac, Bino, Fola,Riles, Beef, Fog, Chaz, Hammer, Mal, Ed, George, Wendy, Leanne, Teevs. . . baseball, football, shooters, hockey OCL Champs '81-'83,gardenbound Buds Brewcrew. Thanks, Mom & Dad! 11/6/82. Click!RON C. STONEDallas Cowboys TackleWest Roxbury High School, 1989PAUL E. THEROUXWriterMedford High School, 1959'Monsieur'Soccer team 2; track team 1; sophomore prom committee; junior usher2; junior class treasurer; Blue and White staff; Little Giant 1, 2,3; Science Club 1, 2; vice president 3; Italian Club 1, 2; delegate3; president of House of Delegates; first prize; science fair 1, 2;spelling bee 2; junior prom committee. Class orator.STEVEN TOCCOHead of the Massachusetts Port AuthorityReading High School, 1964Hockey 3, 4; baseball 3, 4; boxing 3. One of the newer members of thesenior class, Steve wishes to attend a college of pharmacy aftergraduation.PAUL TSONGASFormer US Senator and Presidential Candidate, 1992Lowell High School, 1957Entered from Morey. Activities: Hi-Y, DeMolay, Math Club, ScienceClub, A Capella Choir, Special Chorus, Church Choir, 'Review,' BoyOfficer, Elevator Operator, Home Room Representative. Hobbies:Archery, photography, swimming. Future: Chemistry.DONALD E. WAHLBERGSinger, NKOTBSnowden International School, Boston, 1989'Leo'Peace, love and oatmeal. STRAND: cultural. Activities: baseball (3yrs.), soccer, 'Wrighting Freedom' co-author and actor, 'New Kids onthe Block.' Memories: Mr. Gordon's inspiration, motivation and justexcellent teaching. All my teachers and hanging with the 'Kool-Aid'bunch. Ambition: To make it . . . BIG! I'm going for it!MYRON LEON WALLACEReporter, 60 MinutesBrookline High School, 1935'Chinkie,' 'Wally,' 'Mike'Quote: Hold the fort! I'm coming!French Christmas play '31; Washington play '32; scholarship dramaticsrep. '32, '33, '34; homeroom rep. '31, '32, '33, '34; orchestra '32,'33, '34, '35; Sagamore staff '32, '33; French Club '32, '34;scholarship dramatics '33, '34, '35; treasurer of class '33, '35;Class Day quartet '33; homeroom treasurer '33; marshal '33, '34, '35;alternate interscholastic debating '34; Debating Club '34, '35;tennis '34; captain '35; sports editor Sagamore '34, '35; sportscorrespondent Brookline Chronicle and High School News, '35.JOHN WELCHChairman, General ElectricSalem High School, 1955Quote: A keen wit, a wise look, and an answer always ready.Advance 2; baseball 4; Golf Club 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4;Junior Red Cross Council 4; Junior Rotarian 4; safety patrol, seniorclass treasurer, Senior Revue, student council and yearbook staff 4;National Honor Society.CLIFFORD WHARTONFirst Black President of a Public CollegeBoston Latin School, 1943Quote: Unto the pure all things are pure.Entered grade 7 from H. L. Higginson School. Track team 2, 3, 4(co-captain), senior history club 3, 4, Le Cercle Francais 4, 2ndLieut. 8th Co. 1st Reg.BRAD WHITFORDGuitar player, AerosmithReading High School, 1970Enjoys rock music . . . member of the group 'Earth Incorporated' . .. work after graduation.STEVE WRIGHTComedianBurlington High School, 1973Happiness is: Friday afternoons . . . Misery is: A bomb scare in 9ft. of snow.Fondest Memory: Sugarloaf '72.Ambition: run all over Fenway Park.PAUL MAURICE ZOLLInvented the PacemakerBoston Latin School, 1928'Polly'Entered grade 7 from Christopher Gibson School; Junior Debating Club1923, '24, '25; Literary Club '27, '28; Fidelity Prize '22, '23; 1stLieutenant, 1st Company, 5th Regiment.SIDEBAR:Yearbook photos of the following graduates were not availableREV. ROBERT F. DRINANFormer US Representative, Law School DeanHyde Park High School, 1938LOUIS E. FARRAKHAN(Louis E. Walcott)Leader of the Nation of IslamBoston English High School, 1950Ambition: To be a musician.College: Julliard School of Music.Honor roll 1, 2; orchestra 1, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4.RAYMOND FLYNNUS Ambassador to the Vatican, Former Mayor of BostonSouth Boston High School, 1957ED MCMAHONTelevision PersonalityLowell High School, 1940J. JOSEPH MOAKLEYUS RepresentativeSouth Boston High School, 1944DONALD REGANFormer US Treasury Secretary and White House Chief of StaffCambridge Rindge and Latin School, 1936CHARLES SWEENEYPilot of B-29 That Dropped the Atomic Bomb on NagasakiNorth Quincy High School, 1937More who made the gradeABINGTON HIGH SCHOOLJim Burke, 1973Chef at the Tuscan Grille, in WalthamACTON-BOXBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOLTom Barrasso, 1984Goalie for the Pittsburgh PenguinsBobby Sweeney, 1982National Hockey League forwardBELMONT HIGH SCHOOLWilbur Wood, 1960Former pitcher for the Chicago White SoxBILLERICA HIGH SCHOOLPat (Mitchell) Collins, 1966TV entertainment reporterBOSTON CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOLJim Daley, 1954Owner of the Copley Plaza HotelPeter Meade, 1963President of the New England CouncilBOSTON COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOLNewman Flanagan, 1947Executive director, National District Attorneys AssociationJoseph Cronin, 1952President of Bentley CollegeThomas Cronin, 1957President of Whitman College, Walla Walla, WashingtonJack Hynes, 1948News anchor for Channel 56BOSTON LATIN SCHOOLElliott Norton, 1922Theater critic, playwrightT. Vincent Learson, 1931Former chief executive officer of IBMRobert McDermott, 1937First dean of the US Air Force AcademyPatrick Roche, 1946President of Roche Brothers SupermarketsBurton Malkiel, 1949Economist and authorSam Gerson, 1959Chief executive officer of Filene's BasementJack O'Callahan, 1975Gold medalist on the 1980 US Olympic hockey teamBRAINTREE HIGH SCHOOLPeter Kormann, 19731976 Olympic gymnastBROOKLINE HIGH SCHOOLAlbert Maysles, 1944Producer of the movieGimme ShelterJohn Spooner, 1955Stockbroker and novelistRichard Goodwin, 1949Aide to President KennedyNeil Chayet, 1956Lawyer and radio personalitySmoki Bacon, 1944Back Bay socialite and political patronJackie Kirrane, 1946Captain of the 1960 Olympic hockey teamBURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOLPeter and Kitty Carruthers, 1977 and 19791984 Olympic ice skatersCATHOLIC MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL, WEST ROXBURYR