John B. Kenkel, 80, a communications lawyer who retired in the mid-1990s from what became the firm of Kenkel and Associates inWashington, died June 26 at his home in Potomac. He had cancer.
In 1952, Mr. Kenkel joined what was then the firm of Miller &Schroeder. He argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, the FederalTrade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.
He had been an attorney for the towns of Bladensburg andMorningside and general counsel for the Washington Suburban SanitaryCommission.
John Bonaventure Kenkel was a native Washingtonian and a 1941graduate of Gonzaga College High School. He was a graduate of ColgateUniversity and a 1952 graduate of George Washington University lawschool. He also received a master's degree in law from GWU in 1954.
During World War II, he served in the Navy as a radioman on convoyescort duty in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. He alsoattended the Navy's V-12 officer training program at DartmouthCollege.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, he did radio communicationswork for the Central Intelligence Agency.
He was a charter member and former president of the BladensburgLions Club.
Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Grace Miller Kenkel ofPotomac; two sons, Dr. Jeffrey Kenkel of Dallas and David Kenkel ofWhitefish, Mont.; three brothers, William Kenkel of Lexington, Ky.,Joseph Kenkel of Bladensburg and James Kenkel of Spotsylvania, Va.;and five grandchildren.
William Wesley Cantelo, 77, an entomologist with the StateDepartment and Agriculture Department, died June 22 at his home inFulton in Anne Arundel County. He had Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Cantelo was a federal research entomologist for 40 years, manyof them outside the United States. His government career began in1956, when he was posted to Guam, where he worked jointly for fiveyears as a civilian employee of the U.S. Navy and the territorialgovernment of Guam.
From 1961 to 1966, he was attached to the State Department andstationed in Thailand, where he was an adviser to the Thaigovernment. While there, he found a way to control the rice gallmidge, a pest that attacked rice plants.
In 1966, he moved to St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, wherehe worked for the Department of Agriculture and developed ways toeradicate the tobacco hornworm and other pests that preyed on crops.
In 1971, he returned to the United States and was a researcher inthe vegetable laboratories of the Agricultural Research Center inBeltsville. He spent 13 years analyzing mushrooms and the insectsthat attack them. For his work in eliminating mushroom pests, he waspresented a number of awards by the mushroom industry.
During his tenure at the Agricultural Research Center, he wrotemore than 80 research papers and frequently presented his findings atinternational symposiums. He retired in 1996.
Dr. Cantelo was born in Medford, Mass., and graduated from BostonUniversity in 1948. He received a doctorate in entomology from theUniversity of Massachusetts in 1952. In 1991, he was elected to theCollegium of Distinguished Alumni of Boston University.
Survivors include his wife of 45 years, Carol Crinklaw Cantelo ofFulton; three children, Pamela Newman of Hanover in Anne ArundelCounty, Ross Cantelo of Boise, Idaho, and Amy White of Thousand Oaks,Calif.; a brother; and four grandchildren.
Morton Robin Neviaser, 83, a retired accountant with the NavyDepartment, died after a heart attack June 10 at his home in SilverSpring's Leisure World.
Mr. Neviaser, a native Washingtonian, graduated from theDistrict's Central High School in 1940. He attended George WashingtonUniversity and graduated from Southeastern University with abachelor's degree. He received a master's degree in accounting fromSoutheastern in 1955.
When he and his twin brother were drafted into the Army, Mr.Neviaser requested induction at the same time. Both served in Europeduring World War II as surgical technicians assigned to the medicalcorps.
After discharge from the Army, he worked briefly for the Office ofPrice Administration, then joined the Department of the Navy's NavalSea Systems Command as an accountant, a job he held until hisretirement in 1979.
He was a member of Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah congregation inWashington for more than 50 years and served as treasurer of theboard from 1960 to 1962. He and his wife moved to Florida in 1985; hereturned to the Washington area after his wife of 36 years, AdeleKessler Neviaser, died in 2000.
Mr. Neviaser loved sports and enjoyed attending games at the oldGriffiths Stadium in Washington. Upon his return to the area, hejoined the Jewish Residents' Group at Leisure World in Silver Springand acted in three shows as a member of the Fun and Fancy theatergroup.
Survivors include his brother, David Raphael Neviaser of SilverSpring.
Anne Corinne Perkins, 63, a longtime elementary school counselorand administrator, died June 8 of cancer at her home in Bowie.
She spent more than 25 years in the Prince George's County schoolsas a teacher, guidance counselor and supervisor of counselors. Shebegan her career in the county in 1967 as an elementary schoolteacher for one year, then returned as a teacher in 1976. She taughtat Catherine T. Reed, Meadowbrook and University Park elementaryschools before becoming a guidance counselor.
From 1978 to 1992, she was a guidance counselor at Rogers Heights,Matthew Henson, Lewisdale and Cooper Lane elementary schools. From1992 until her retirement in 2003, Mrs. Perkins was a counselorspecialist, supervising 145 guidance counselors in the county'selementary schools, based in Adelphi.
In 1986, the Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce named herthe county's outstanding educator of the year. She received a similaraward in 1990 from the Prince George's County school district. In1994, she received a professional development award from the MarylandAssociation for Counseling and Development.
Mrs. Perkins was born in Baltimore and graduated from LeonardtownHigh School. She received a bachelor's degree in elementary educationfrom the University of Maryland and a master's degree in counselingfrom Vanderbilt University. She and her family lived in England forseveral years in the 1960s and 1970s.
Survivors include her husband of 44 years, John C. Perkins ofBowie; three children, Cheryl A. McGowan of Alpharetta, Ga., Brian H.Perkins of Davidsonville and Christopher J. Perkins of Bowie; threesisters; a brother; and six grandchildren.
George Willmarth Wallace, 87, who spent 40 years as a NavyDepartment civilian and retired in the early 1980s doing procurementwork for the Naval Air Systems Command, died June 26 at LaurelRegional Hospital. He had congestive heart failure.
In his final Navy job, he helped procure parts for a carrier-based airborne warning and control plane, the E-2C Hawkeye.
Mr. Wallace, a Beltsville resident, was a native Washingtonian anda graduate of Eastern High School.
During World War II, he worked as a civilian master machinist atthe Washington Navy Yard. He made torpedo gears as well as berylliumgears used for the atomic bomb project.
After the war, he served briefly in the Army stationed in Korea.
Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Rita Lockwood Wallace ofBeltsville; three children, Charles Wallace of Beltsville and GeorgeWilliam Wallace and Susan Wallace, both of McLean; a sister, LouiseLucas of Frederick; a brother, Samuel Wallace of Orlando; twograndchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Winfield Briggs Kuhlman, 87, an employee for Southland Corp.,operator of the 7-Eleven convenience stores, from 1959 until 1984,died of congestive heart failure June 28 at Capital Hospice inArlington. He lived in Springfield.
Mr. Kuhlman began as a store clerk for Southland and ended as amerchandiser/buyer for the company's Capitol Division. Before workingfor Southland, Mr. Kuhlman held a variety of other jobs, including asalesman and supervisor for Armour Co.
He was born in Royal, Neb., and came to Washington in 1937 to takea job with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
He was a former member of the Springfield Rotary Club and St.John's United Methodist Church, and was a tennis player, winning amedal in the 1988 Senior Olympics.
His marriage to Mildred Van der Pool ended in divorce.
His wife of 45 years, Mary Jo Kuhlman, died in 2002.
Survivors include five children from his second marriage, BarbaraBrown and Susan Byrnes, both of Omak, Wash., Diane Teixeira of BakerCity, Ore., Patricia Hassanzadeh of Anaheim, Calif., and JonahKuhlman of Springfield; and nine grandchildren.