The Shaughnessy-Kaplan Rehabilitation Hospital and North ShoreChildren's Hospital of Salem will sponsor two programs designed toreduce risk of sports injuries to children Aug. 9. The first, 9a.m.-noon, is at Children's, and the second, 2-4 p.m., is atShaughnessy-Kaplan.
'Sports Ready' is open to those aged 5-19, coaches of youth andhigh school sports and parents.
Demonstrations will include first aid in wrapping, taping anduse of heat and ice for sports injuries. There will also beflexibility, coordination and strength screenings. A dietician willbe available to answer 'eat to compete' questions, and clinics willbe offered by area youth soccer players and in various high schoolsports.
For information, call Cathy Winkowski at (508) 741-1215, ext.6254.Lee Trevino headlines Nashawtuc PGA Classic
Fan favorite Lee Trevino has entered the PGA Bank of Boston SeniorGolf Classic Aug. 1-7 at Nashawtuc Country Club in Concord.
Trevino has had to overcome several obstacles to stay near or atthe top of the PGA and Senior tours. In 1975 at the Western Open hewas struck by lightning and a year later underwent surgery to repaira herniated disc. Since recovering, he's won nine of his 27 PGAtitles.
He is a two-time Senior Tour Player of the Year and is thecurrent leading money winner on the tour with $992,536. He hasearned more than $4 million on the Senior Tour.
More than 90 professional seniors have committed themselves tothe tournament and will vie for the $112,000 top prize. Proceedsbenefit local charities.
Daily tickets are available by mail for $12 from NashawtucCharities, Inc., Nashawtuc Country Club, 1861 Sudbury Rd., Concord,MA 01742.Maietta renamed captain of UMass-Boston football
Senior linebacker Bill Maietta of Arlington has been reappointedfootball captain at UMass-Boston. He joins Joe Glover of Weymouth,Joe Gonzalez of Revere and Paul Rogers of Dorchester in theleadership role.
Last year, Maietta ranked second on the team in tackles with 88as UMass-Boston struggled through a 2-7 season. He also recoveredtwo fumbles and batted down two passes. As a sophomore, Maiettaanchored a defense that ranked second in the country against the passwith a 63.2 rating.
He's a 1989 graduate of Arlington Catholic, where he earned fourvarsity letters under coach Don Stevens. Arlington Catholic wonchampionships in two of his years there and he was All-Catholic in1988.Burlington's AD quits, citing family demands
Family illness has forced Burlington athletic director PeterSullivan to resign that position and return to Woburn as a healthteacher.
Sullivan moved to Burlington last December to replace theretired Dick Verzone. The Woburn School Committee recently approvedhis request to rescind his leave of absence, thus paving the way forhis return.
'Family issues take precedence,' said Sullivan, referring to hismother's illness, and the time-consuming responsibilties of theathletic director's job.Here and there
Congratulations to John Sullivan, newly named girls basketballcoach at Belmont. He deserves it. He was retired coach BobGleason's assistant for nine years and knows the system . . . Sevenyoung soccer players from Billerica and Burlington recentlyparticipated in the Reebok World Five-on-Five InternationalTournament in Florida. They beat Mexico, 3-2, before losing toColombia, 7-4, Argentina, 2-1, and the United Kingdom, 9-3. Theseven, representing the Eastern Seaboard, were John Gambale, TomGeary, Jonathan Harney, Jonathan Pomerleau, Kevin Salemi and WestonZichittella, all of Billerica, and Brian Zahora of Burlington . . .Paul Sumner of Reading won the Thomas Melucci Jr. MemorialScholarship at St. Anselm. He's captain-elect of the hockey team.
Wesleyan freshman Michelle Conceison of Lexington was namedrookie of the year on the softball team. The shortstop/catcherbatted .403, led the team in runs scored (22) and stole 11 bases in11 attempts . . . Bunker Hill Communiuty College pitcher RickMonagle of Medford was the most valuable player in the National SmallCollege World Series in Tyler, Texas. He pitched Bunker Hill to a7-1 win over Texas College and stroked a three-run triple to breakopen a 1-1 game.
Mike Lindstrom, Jon O'Donnell and Dave Mattatal, all ofStoneham, Steve Langone and Eric Previte, both of Reading, MattKeating of Arlington and Mark Langone of Andover are members of theReading Red Sox, which will compete in the AAU/Junior OlympicTournament in Cocoa Beach, Fla., July 29-Aug. 7 . . . LongtimeReading athletic director Jack White has applied for early retirementunder the Education Reform Act. He's been in the system 32 years ascoach, teacher and athletic director.