среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.



The Chelsea Rotary Club will celebrate 75 years of service thisSaturday at the Sheraton Ferncroft Resort hotel in Danvers. BobBachelder and the popular Totem Pole Band, a 17-piece swing band,will be performing. The Rotary Club of Chelsea was founded in 1927 tosponsor humanitarian services. Through the years, the organizationhas awarded a number of grants to local students, nonprofitorganizations, sport leagues, and city departments. The club alsosponsors dozens of Chelsea children to attend a wilderness camp inBoxford, called Camp Rotary. And, it also continues to raise funds tosupport the group's umbrella organization, Rotary International, toeradicate polio by 2005. Those interested in attending thecelebration, call Joel Mazur at 617-884-1150.

Two charged with rape, murder of teenager from El Salvador

The two men charged with the rape and murder of a teenage girlfrom the Powderhorn Hill neighborhood of Chelsea, have been chargedwith first-degree murder and aggravated rape. On July 17, MelvinMartinez, 18, and Adelberto Ingles, 24, allegedly raped and beatMonica Mejia, an 18-year-old from El Salvador. A passerby discoveredMejia's body in the woods later that morning. Mejia died as a resultof blunt force trauma to her head and neck, according to SuffolkCounty district attorney. Martinez and Ingles were arrested and wereinitially arraigned in Chelsea District Court. They were indicted bya Superior Court grand jury earlier in the month and were ordered bySuffolk Superior Court Clerk-Magistrate Gary Wilson to return tocourt Oct. 7 for a pretrial conference.


Sheriff's department shows off new bus with high-tech center

The Middlesex Sheriff's Department recently displayed their newbus with a built in high-tech $800,000 communication center. TheCommunity Command Center, as it is known, is one of two suchfacilities in the country. The center is equipped with satellitecommunication systems, wireless Internet access, digital videorecording and a 'best route' mapping finder. Different departments inEverett, Malden, and Medford will be able to communicate with eachother through a 'patch communications system.' The funding for thefacility was mostly acquired through federal grants.


Vascular disease screening at Union Hospital today

Union Hospital will conduct Peripheral Vascular Disease screeningtoday, 8 a.m. to noon. The disease is the hardening and narrowing ofarteries that carry blood to arms, legs, and other body parts. Legpain is a common symptom. The hospital is offering the program aspart of 'Legs for Life,' a campaign to educate people about thedisease. For information, call 781-477-3800.

Volunteers needed for programs for elderly, ESL students

Catholic Charities North needs volunteers for the Companions tothe Aging and English as a Second Language programs. The companionsprogram pairs people with elderly residents to provide them withsupport and friendship. Training for both programs will be held inOctober. For more information, call Jean Goguen at 781-593-2312.

Walsh bullish on Lynn. Page 9


Local man gets 10-year sentence with guilty plea in cocaine case

A Malden man who gave an undercover police officer $23,000 for akilogram of cocaine has received a 10-year prison sentence after hepleaded guilty to the charge. David Pray, 34, approached a statetrooper outside McDonald's in Chelsea on Jan. 26 after arranging thetransaction a day in advance. After paying for the drugs, Pray wasarrested, according to the district attorney's office. He wascharged with trafficking in cocaine. Pray's arrest was the result ofa joint investigation between a State Police detective unit, thefederal department of Housing and Urban Development, the DrugEnforcement Administration, and Chelsea Police.

Recycling of tires, batteries,

and paint slated for Saturday

The Department of Public works will hold a recycling day fortires, cathode ray tubes, car batteries, motor oil, and filters thisSaturday. Malden residents may bring those items to the department at356 Commercial St. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday is also 'PaintRecycling Day' and residents are encouraged to take latex, oil, andacrylic paint, as well as stains and varnishes to the same address.For prices on recycling items, call the DPW at 781-397-7260.


MWRA studying construction of reservoir near Spot Pond

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is looking to build a20-million-gallon covered reservoir near Spot Pond. The authority isreviewing several sites for the project, around the Middlesex FellsReservation. There are at least six potential sites for the six-acreproject. One of those being reviewed is the property owned byGutierrez Co. at the former Boston Regional Medical Center. Thereservoir would store water and improve water pressure in eightneighboring communities.

Historic commission meets tonight on bank renovation

The Historic District Commission will hold a public hearingtonight at 6:15 p.m. in the Basement Conference Room of City Hall.The hearing will focus on the application for a Certificate ofAppropriateness, which Melrose Co-op Bank submitted to the commissionfor the renovations of the facade on the property they own at 630Main St.


Mayor proposes new position of director of finance

Mayor Tom Ambrosino is proposing a position for a director offinance and wants to appoint George Anzuoni, the city's collectorand treasurer, to those duties. Because the city cannot afford tohire a new person for the job, Anzuoni would take on those dutieswithout a raise in salary. However, other officials who report tothe mayor on the city's financial matters have voiced theiropposition to the proposal. 'Basically it would just create ahierarchal structure as opposed to a flat one,' said Ambrosino.

Cultural society plans to hold telethon on Oct. 20

The Revere Society for Cultural and Historical Preservation, aneight-year-old organization, is holding its annual telethon on Oct.20 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Moose Hall. The telethon will bebroadcast on KBLE local channel 8. For more information about thesociety or the telethon, call 731-284-1135.


School committee to meet tonight on MCAS scores

The school committee will meet tonight, 7 p.m. at the schooladministration building on Main Street. A discussion of flat scoreson this year's MCAS exam is on the agenda. Although some schoolsimproved, Saugus scores overall improved little over 2001,particularly in math. 'Some schools peaked, but by and large, we'renot making the gains we want to,' said School Superintendent KeithManville. 'We're going to have to go back and do an item analysis ofthe test. We're going to have to make sure our curriculum is alignedwith the state frameworks. We've got to hit professional development,too.' The committee will meet at the school administration buildingon Main Street.

Zoning Board of Appeals to consider sign bids

The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet tonight, 7 p.m. at theSaugus Public Library on Main Street. The agenda includes anapplication by the Applebee's restaurant chain, which is building arestaurant on Route 1, to add an extra sign. Extra Space Storage,mini storage center on Route 1, also has asked permission to put up asign. Other agenda items include several requests from homeowners tomake changes or build additions on their homes.


Residents convince selectmen to close Galvin skateboard park

Angry residents of Armory Street convinced the Board of Selectmenon Monday to shut down the skateboard park at the Galvin MiddleSchool. The neighbors, whose complaints earlier this month promptedthe recreation commission to move the park 75 feet away from theirhomes to a basketball court behind the school, complained of loudteenagers using the park late at night. The board is now searchingfor a new spot for the park, preferably in a town playground, saidTown Administrator Thomas Butler.

Conservation commission holds meeting tonight on Shaw's request

The conservation commission will hold a special meeting tonight,7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. The public hearing is on a notice of intentfiled by Shaw's Supermarkets to relocate Wakefield Brook, a culvertthat feeds into Mill River. Shaw's wants to relocate the brook aspart of its plan to redevelop the old Robie Mills Industrial complexinto a supermarket. The request could meet some hefty opposition,however. Some board members have said they should have broaderjurisdiction on the environmental impact of the supermarket plan.They note that the culvert feeds into the Mill River, whichultimately flows into the Saugus River.

Support sought for new middle school. Page 3


Sesquicentennial events end with interfaith service Oct. 6

The town's sesquicentennial events will end with an ecumenicalinterfaith service sponsored by all of Winthrop's religiouscongregations on Oct. 6 at 3 p.m. at the First Church of WinthropUnited Methodist, 217 Winthrop St.

After the service, the group will be led by a color guard ofveterans to the Town Hall where the color guard will lower an 1852 31-star flag. The flag will be presented to the Board of Selectmen. 'Theflag was raised on March 27, on the 150th birthday of our town,' saidDavid Hubbard, chairman of the sesquicentennial committee, who alsoinvites everyone to come and participate in this final event of theanniversary.

Appeals board plans hearing on condo proposal tonight

The Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing tonight at 7 p.m.at the Winthrop Senior Center, 35 Harvard St., to discuss convertingthe former Winthrop Hospital into a 120-unit condominium complex. Thedevelopment would include 30 units of affordable housing.